Former CIA Official Paul Pope Joins ISP as Senior Fellow

News | September 28, 2016

The Intelligence Studies Project at UT-Austin is pleased to announce that J. Paul Pope has joined our team as a Senior Fellow.  Paul will serve simultaneously as a Clinical Professor on the faculty of the LBJ School of Public Affairs.  

Paul recently retired from the Central Intelligence Agency after a 30 year career that included senior assignments in the directorates of intelligence and operations, including extensive service overseas.  In his final assignment with CIA, Paul was the Officer-in-Residence at UT-Austin where he taught graduate and undergraduate courses on intelligence and national security topics.  ISP Director Steve Slick noted that that “Paul is an exemplary public servant who served with great distinction in the U.S. Army, CIA, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and most recently here at UT.  His professional affiliation with ISP marks a milestone in our development.  I am certain Paul’s exceptional skills as a teacher, scholar, and counselor will greatly benefit our students in the coming years.”  Paul’s full biography is here and he may be reached at