ISP Welcomes Visiting Fellow Jordan Roberts

News | September 3, 2019

Mr. Jordan Roberts will be a Visiting Pre-Doctoral Fellow with the Intelligence Studies Project during the 2019-2020 academic year. He is currently a PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science at Duke University and expects to graduate in Spring 2020. His research and teaching focuses primarily on security, peace, and conflict, as well as international relations.

His dissertation research focuses on determinants of American covert action during the Cold War. The project creates a model to explain when and where the United States employed covert action using novel covert action data, as well as novel data on the presence of viable alternative governments the U.S. could empower in target states.  In 2016, he was a visiting researcher at the University of Konstanz and in 2018, was a visiting instructor at Humboldt University. Mr. Roberts may be reached at