ISP Post-Doctoral Fellow and Research Associate Featured by Small Wars Journal

News | July 3, 2019

ISP Post-Doctoral Fellow, Kiril Avramov, and his research associate, Ellery Cushman, were recently featured by Small Wars Journal for their article: “Weaponization of Metaphors in Russian Propaganda: Sexual Violence, as State Sovereignty Violation.”

In the article, Avramov and Cushman dissect modern use of atrocity propaganda in Russian disinformation. Avramov and Cushman contend that, while coverage of real or invented atrocities is by no means a new propaganda tool, the Kremlin has found a new way to weaponize atrocity propaganda that “focuses on core ideas of protecting the purity of femininity, and readapts them as a metaphor for defending the integrity of Russian borders.” Read the full article here.