Director Slick Comments on Foreign Effects of Leaks in Washington Times

News | February 15, 2017

ISP Director Steve Slick was recently quoted in The Washington Times commenting on the effects of the recent White House leaks on the United States’ foreign intelligence relationships. 

Since the resignation of Michael Flynn, there has been speculation about the effects his alleged relationship with Russia during the 2016 election campaign will have on the United States’ partnerships with other countries. Slick asserts that our ‘foreign security partners will be watching closely to learn’ if their sensitive information is being adequately protected.

Slick went on to say that, while the United States has some very strong relationships abroad, many of those partners ‘harbor a deep and well-founded distrust of the Russian government and its security services.’ He comments that the United States will be able to reassure intelligence partners abroad once ‘the administration conveys a clear-eyed, objective and historically grounded assessment about Russia’s malign intent toward the U.S. and its allies.’

Click here to read the full article on The Washington Times.